Sponsor an Orphan in Ukraine
All provisions received are helping provide relief in the war
Your help is enabling the family from Stephen's Home and the staff of PROMISE to continue to find the daily food and resources they need. They in turn are reaching out to help others. Please know that you can make a difference in the lives of those greatly in need as the war continues on.
We are seeking to find refuge in Romania, but have great hope and desire to return to Stephen's Home as soon as the Lord opens that door. Trusting in His provision and guidance.
scroll to the bottom of the page for donation forms
Orphans in Ukraine labeled mentally disabled become isolated, their future is miserable, because at 18 they are uprooted from the only home they have ever known, the orphanage, and sent to live in psychological government run institutions or old-age homes for the rest of their lives. They have no rights, no formal education and no understanding of life outside the isolating walls of the institution. Desperate for freedom they long to be loved.

What about their hearts?
Many of the teens we have worked with have walked down this path. They are now isolated even further into institutions placed in small towns and villages, out of sight. But Stephen's Home, our first group home is almost completed. With house parents now waiting to embrace each of our guys, they need loving sponsors who are willing to build a relationship with them. It simply takes $30 a month, on your part to let them know their lives matter.
Kyrylo, Sasha, Artem, Olexandr and Sasha are five young men that are spread out now in three villages over three hours from one another. Serhii and Slava have been more fortunate having been placed in the same institution in Kairy. Vitia and Yura are fortunate as well to be placed together, but in a completely different instuitution in Dnepriany. Sasha, separated from his twin brother, now lives over a day's transporation away from him in Zhitomir. Kostia, the youngest and most fortunate is now in Stephen's Home and Stas, our newest aquantance, now friend of 5 years, are the 12 young men we desire to bring into Stephen's Home.

Why? What is Stephen's Home?
We want to bring purpose and hope to those without.
Stephen's Home, the first of our Christ centered, family group homes, is very close to completion. Fire, gas and electrical safety are still works in progress. Instalation of an alarm system, gas hook-up and a generator are still big financial needs.
March 19, 2016 we broke ground and started building with the help of Ukrainian companies and many volunteers from the States, Germany, and locals here. We now have a fully handicapped accessible home, house parents living in their quarters and a rehabilitation therapy room and garden for these first 12 young disabled men. Through the next couple months we hope to complete the legal documention for providing social services by Ukrainian stardards for disabled young adults. We will welcome the first of our guys for Christmas and they will become a part of a family.
What a gift you can participate in giving this Christmas.
Bringing them into community; living, loving and caring for them, as Christ loves through us.