Our Board and C-Suite members each bring a strong, diverse set of experiences and a long history with global ministry. Their integrity, wisdom, and commitment to servant leadership are foundational to how they approach their role in the mission. Together, they are fully engaged with all God is doing around the world to serve affiliates, help them thrive, and see his kingdom purpose achieved.
C-Suite Members
New International’s organizational management is delegated by the board of directors to the Chief Executive Officer. The CEO is free to use any reasonable interpretation of the Board’s Policies to fulfill the purpose of New International. In addition to our CEO Jeff Metzger, New International currently has four other highly capable C-level officers: Chief Accounting Officer Susan Caple, Chief International Officer Jim Vogel, Chief People Officer Mark Michael, and Chief Financial Officer Jayson Simonson.
Board Members
New International is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board provides the overall leadership of the mission using a policy governance model. Their responsibilities include ensuring and maintaining the integrity of New International as it relates to the mission, vision, and core values; monitoring and preserving the fiscal health of the mission; and contributing through time, service, and finances to the ministry.
Larry Boden
Chairperson | Orlando, FL
Steve Hutchins
Vice Chairperson | Loveland, OH
Harrison Trumball
Secretary | Lebanon, NH
Teresa Metzger
Member | Cincinnati, OH
Member | Fairfield, OH
Drew Johnson
Member | Cincinnati, OH
Annette Hutchins
Member | Loveland, OH
Donna Bushnell
Member | Perry, OH
Dario Martinez
Member | Southwest Ranches, FL
Mont Mitchell
Member | Plainfield, IL
Board Responsibilities
- The Board is responsible for establishing the polices, aims/ends, mission, vision, and values that define New International.
- The Board is governed by delegating means and management authority to the CEO.
- The Board holds the CEO accountable to insure and maintain the integrity of New International as it relates to stated New International mission, vision, and values.
- The Board conducts an annual compensation review process of the CEO.
- The Board works with the CEO to recruit and educate new Board members.
- The Board has the authority to approve or remove Board members.
- The Board has financial responsibility for the Mission. They work closely with the CEO to monitor, evaluate and preserve the financial health of New International.
- Board members are expected to contribute financially to New International and work to solicit gifts/involvement from others.
- Board members are expected to be involved in mission activities with New International and their home congregations.