Viktor is one of two young men that will be in Stephen's Home that have Cerebral Palsy. He's a big guy, a big teddy bear. I know for some, the pasly can become more progressive as a person ages. Over the past ten years of knowing Vitya, it's been a constantly quite severve, physically. But Vitya's mind is sharp. He has a few friends who take the time to help him communicate, as speech is one of his biggest challenges. He is in a wheel chair most of the time as his legs are crippled.
Vitya has a strong desire to learn and grow, but like many of his peers, that opportunity has never been offered to him. With a computer and programs to inspire, we will be able to open his mind and offer him the world His Maker has created. What will be extra special is that our project manager, Maxim, who is also and IT Specialist, will be willing to enable Vitya, and other guys in the home, to learn in a way and manner that's best for them. Special programs and hand tools will be needed for Vitya as his motor skills are not refined. He is able to do most everything for himself, yet humble enough to ask for help when he needs it.