Sasha is newest to the orphanage in Oleshky, and since his arrival, staff have been trying furvently to figure out how to care for his furture because the government declared him incapable, but other than being a slow learner, Sasha is a very capable, helpful young man. He's gone to school and received and education and having had him in my own home on a number of occassions, I've learned he loves the Lord.
He's very quite, but very ambitious too. He wants to become a construction worker, either in building houses or roads and if that's not an option than he wants to get an education so he can become a car mechanic. As much as the world looks at these guys and sees a mind that has no potential, they simply need to scratch beneath the surface and learn that guys like Sasha have great ambitions to become someone who matters and can help out in the community they are a part of. Just give them the opportunity.