There are an estimated 1.8 billion adolescents and youth in the world today, accounting for nearly a third of the world's population. Just below 90 percent live in developing countries, a proportion that will increase during the next 20 years. YouthHOPE is committed to transforming the lives of global youth and equipping the church to meet their holistic needs.
YouthHOPE has used the philosophy “Partner. Equip. Multiply.” over the past ten years to reach thousands of youth and raise up youth leaders in over 35 countries. We are committed to seeing transformation happen in the lives of global youth by equipping leaders to help youth live and think like Jesus.
Prayer Points
- Youth workers throughout the world who have a passion for ministry but need to be trained
- Wisdom and discernment in the development of strategies, plans, conferences, and training sessions
- Reach youth in both villages and cities with the hope of Christ
- Strengthening and development of the YouthHOPE team
- Financial resources to continue to serve global youth and youth workers