Odpocívat: To Rest

Learning to rest and sit with God as we walk around the city

Written by Erica S — Interning in the Czech Republic

Odpocívat. This is the Czech verb “to rest.” I have been learning a lot about that this week. I too often find my value in worth in what I can do or produce on my own. Self-sufficiency has been one of the biggest struggles I have had over my life. Since coming to the Czech Republic I have learned a lot about releasing everything to God, the good and the bad. It has been really good for me to begin to understand just how big He is and that He is in control. He cares about and loves these people way more than I ever could. Giving up control has been one of the best things that has happened. It has also allowed me to take time to rest with the Lord. I know that rest is important but I too often forget that we are human beings not human doings. This week, just sitting with God and listening to Him as we walk around the city has been my favorite thing. It has brought some of the difficult things into perspective and helped me to be filled with gratitude. 

We were able to explore the original castle in Prague, Vyšehrad. It has a nice quiet path to walk around that is filled with history and greenery. It was a great way to spend time with the Lord. We were then able to celebrate Jen’s birthday that night. We had some Mexican food and then ate a classic Czech cake, Medovnick. It is a honey cake. It is really cool that we have a God who cares so much for us and just wants to be with us. I am very grateful that we get to be in constant relationship with Him, experience all of the cool things He has created in this world, and do it with others who uniquely bear His image.


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