Reflecting on God's faithfulness through the unexpected
Written by Mia Y — Interning in Australia
As we approach the half-way point of our internship, we have spent time reflecting on how the internship has gone so far, what we have done, and some things that have confronted us. It would not be truthful to say that everything this summer has gone perfectly, and this week we have been confronted by some homesickness and even some cultural differences that were unexpected. However, in the midst of it all God is still good and can be trusted.
About halfway through the week, a couple of us went to the beach for about an hour and spent some time praying and sitting by the waves. When we got there, we went to get coffee and Cassie ordered some hot chips (fries) and when we made our way down the beach, some seagulls stalked us in hopes of getting a chip. As frustrating as it can be to be swarmed by seagulls, I can’t help but laugh at the birds staring at us. They ended up giving up after a couple of minutes, but it was a funny way to start off our beach time.
As I sat by the waves and walked around, I was reminded by the line “the winds and waves still know His name.” It is so comforting that even in the crazy, frustrating moments of life, God is still very present and He is in control. I was also reminded that day that God can be trusted. In the midst of looking for clarity on where God is calling me to go, I was reminded that God knows and He can be trusted to carry out His plan for my life in His perfect timing. My role is simply to trust and follow Him, even when the waves seem out of control. Like when Peter walked on water to Christ, I can follow Him and as long as I stay focused on Him, I will not sink. And even if I do, He will be there to immediately hold me.
New International worked with the team at Kingery Design Co. and RIIPL to bring this brand, website, and app to life. It’s the collaborative effort of many people.
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