Consider The Sparrows

Team Thailand

Written by Regan, Ashlyn, & Hattie - Serving in Thailand

Regan: The phrase "consider the sparrows" found in Matthew 6 has been a continual encouragement for me and my team this past week. 

Amid culture shock, I have experienced deep sorrow as I watch many individuals practice various Buddhist rituals. To say the very least, this breaks my heart as I so desire for these people to experience the love of Christ in the ways that I have. Despite the great heaviness here, I continue to return to the phrase “consider the sparrows.” Although there is inevitable brokenness in this world, the Lord has been so faithful to provide many beautiful moments during my time here. These moments include, but are not limited to, teaching our first English class at a youth home, getting to know the PYF staff on a deeper level, preparing for our first youth home event this weekend, and connecting with the Thai community here by joining in their favorite hobbies. 

This second week has been a joy to my heart, as I continue to see the Lord provide beauty in the broken time and time again. 

Ashlyn: The second week or so in Thailand has been such a great experience! On Monday, I was able to venture out from the inner city and into the outer city. This was an experience that I never want to forget.

I went into the outer city to see my family before they left to go back to the states for a few months. And while venturing into the outer city, I experienced Chiang Mai in a completely different way. I was able to see the height of the trees and the never-ending green land. I was able to see the small towns and villages. While visiting my family, I was able to see their ministry, and the work that they were doing to further the kingdom. It was encouraging; their walk with the Lord is a testament to the goodness of God, and to yet the goodness that the Lord has in store for me and for Thailand. This week has been one of growth, of stretching, and of complete joy. 

Psalm 100:5 “For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” 

Hattie: Hello! Greetings from Thailand! We are gearing up for our first respite event this weekend and have had several opportunities to form connections and teach English the last couple of weeks! Truly a joy! 

Getting to know the PYF staff has encouraged my heart and challenged me to have a fresh perspective and a deeper gratitude for the Gospel. On Tuesday, we got to hear the testimony of a woman on staff who grew up Buddhist before encountering Jesus. Hearing about the ways that her life was transformed brought tears to my eyes. What I loved about her story was the way that truth so simply and effectively convicted her, and the peace that God’s presence provided. A personal invitation into community and into scripture can go further than we know! I was reminded of that as we listened to her. Slowing down, asking questions, and taking a listening approach has brought the sweetest and most unexpected blessings this week. 

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’” 

Clinging to Isaiah 41:13 as we enter Week 3! 


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