A Picture of Ministry in London

Team London

Written by Taylor - Serving in London

Travel days. They are often long, tiring, stressful, and many times just boring. This reigns true in traveling to London. After a long and very boring flight into the city, I embraced London with open arms and was ready to spend time with my leaders in the city. I expected a somewhat chill and calm day, however, was met with something very different. After getting into the city and sharing a meal with my leaders, I was told we were going to a barbecue to meet the girls I would be living with for a few weeks. My leaders have a fellow worker friend in London who is letting me stay with these girls. We took the train and then a bus to a different part of the city, while I dragged my luggage with me over the cobblestone and crammed transport. We show up to a side door into a large garden area and I immediately am met with 20 children and their parents, celebrating what seems like a birthday party. Both my leader and I are very confused, and try to get in touch with my future roommates leader. We later are able to find where this barbecue is happening, only to be met with the realization that it is my leader’s worker friend’s birthday barbecue. 

The rest of the night I got to chat with so many different people there to celebrate this worker. It was such a melting pot of people with such different backgrounds, who had nothing in common other than this friend, sharing a meal and fellowship in a garden in the middle of London. What became a very random and peculiar day was such an amazing picture of ministry here in London, and how the gospel is being spread across the city. It is through individuals inviting people into their homes and sharing their lives with them. Sharing the gospel through simply living out the Great Commission in their day to day life. 

Keep London in your prayers this summer! The Lord is moving all throughout this city, a place where people are desperately seeking fulfillment and somewhere they belong. 

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