A Simple Offering

Team London

Written by Taylor - Serving in London

“Praise Him like we’re there in glory, here and now He’s just as holy…Bring your song He loves to hear it, bring Him every prayer-soaked lyric…Jesus you are worthy of it all.”

This is from a song I’ve been listening to for the last few weeks and have been meditating over here in London. The image of offering a prayer-soaked lyric really struck me. How often have I intentionally and deeply prayed over what I have to offer the Lord? 

I love the story in Mark of the woman pouring out her alabaster jar on Jesus before he is to be crucified. This picture of an imperfect woman, most likely poor and not in high standing in society, pouring out everything she had to the Savior. Some scholars believe this jar would have been very expensive, likely her inheritance. She takes this oil and pours it out on her Savior, only focusing on him while others question her action, saying they could have used the oil to help the poor. Yet, Jesus looks at the woman and acknowledges her. He says what she has done is beautiful, that she is anointing his body before his burial. 

Something I am so grateful for is that the God we serve doesn’t base his love on the substance of what we can offer to him. He simply wants us to come; to serve him, love him, and offer our lives to him. To bring our broken and messy lives, often filled with mistakes and hardship, but it’s what we have, and it’s what HE wants. 

Story from Ministry Day: Evangelism in Stratford

A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to join a group and do street evangelism out where the old Olympic stadiums are in east London. I joined a few other young adults I have had the opportunity to connect with, as well as some members of a church out in east London. I went out with a blind girl around my age, and our groups split up over a small area of the city. Natalie (the girl I was out with) and I began walking around the city, starting up some conversations with young girls we saw. One interaction that really struck me during the day was with a barista. I’ll use her first initial “A”. We began chatting with A, just wanting to hear more of her story. She came to the UK to study and is working to help pay for her schooling. She is studying accounting, only because her parents wanted her to, and is really struggling to find her passions and desires in life. A is Muslim and was a little closed off to chatting about the Gospel. Natalie felt the urge to sing over her, which was quite an interesting experience. We said goodbye to A after, praying over her life as we continued walking. 

She has been on my heart for the last few weeks as I have continued in ministry in central London. Would you join me in praying for A, and for the Lord to be placed on her mind? For people to surround her and encourage her as she continues in her studies. Pray for her heart and soul to find her passion in Christ, and for the Lord to place His desires on her life. 


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