Romanian Reflections

Team Romania

Written by Gracen - Serving in Colorado & Romania

I spent the first weeks of my internship in Colorado Springs, getting to know and spending time with Ricky and Anthony, siblings with special needs. I also spent this time with Alys, the missionary I’m working with. Seeing How God works in Colorado has been a fantastic experience. He has given Anthony a beautiful heart to serve and the opportunity to volunter in the mountain springs aquaponics garden in Colorado Springs. While the whole facility is complex, numerous jobs are simple and easy. This has given Anthony responsibility that he likes to take. He enjoys volunteering and working with the plants. He enjoys the peace and quiet of the job. He volunteers here on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Seeing how this facility runs and gives food to those who don’t have it touched my heart in a big way. Alys plans to take this concept to Romania now. She’s been working with YWAM in Colorado Springs to get training on the logistics of taking this to Romania. 

This will help Romania in a big way. In Sacele, there is a big group of Roma people who aren’t able to get jobs or provide for their families due to prejudices. They are hated there. This aquaponics garden will give them a place to work and allow them to reap its benefits and take food home to their families. The guys in Romania with disabilities that Alys works with will also be able to work in the aquaponics garden, just as Anthony has. It will give them a sense of purpose that everyone longs to have. This is another way God has worked in ways I never thought before this internship. I was able to visit and volunteer at the YWAM Headquarters and hear their story of what they’re doing to extend the kingdom of God and help provide food for those without.

We made our trip to Romania less than a week ago. We have been spending time with the young men here: Slava, Sasha, and Kostya. We have spent time with Otto and Elizabeth, a local pastor and wife, making plans for the upcoming Joni and Friends camp. I am adjusting to being in a new country and still adjusting to the changes in the times. We went to a local church on Sunday, and seeing God among the people here in Romania was wonderful.


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