Count it All Joy

Team Media

Written by David - Working in the Middle East and with the Media Team

The lesson this week is that just because you’re doing the work of the Lord, doesn’t mean that everything will be as smooth sailing as you’d like it to be. Working with media equipment, for example, sometimes means there are challenges you’ll have to overcome. I think nothing is truly insurmountable so long as you have the Lord on your side, but that doesn’t mean living a self-less life is exactly glamorous. There’s a lot of charm, to be sure. But unlike the challenges you see on some television shows, real-world challenges don’t always look like they’ve been spruced up by pitch perfect lighting and colorful, diverse wardrobe department. 

But that’s okay. “Count it all joy my brothers when you face challenges of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-4) And honestly, it’s yet another reminder of the greatest lesson that I’ve learned this year so far: The extent of which you fearlessly and relentlessly pursue Christ is the extent of which you are blessed. It’s easy to get caught up in the humdrum of everyone around you, and you get so immersed in the work you’re accomplishing. But relationship with the Lord matters more than anything else, because that is what He desires of us most of all. 

That said, I look forward to the coming days ahead, and making the most out of them. Tomorrow is the day we interview our host, so it’s our most important project yet. Prayers are needed. But simultaneously, I know that the Lord will bless it. And then after that, I leave back for the States very early Monday morning to edit everything we’ve captured here. Until then, my aim is to be the best servant that I can be unto the others.


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