A Lasting Impact

Team Romania

Written by Gracen — Serving in Romania

The time I spent in Colorado and Romania was terrific. I was able to see God in ways I never expected. Being in Romania, I viewed firsthand God’s love for his people. While there, I had the chance to attend an adult group for people who have disabilities. The community built here was very welcoming, even though we spoke a different language. I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know these individuals, their struggles, and the light that follows them. They truly love God. While in the group, we played games, laughed, ate, and listened to God’s word. I also could attend the kid’s group for people with disabilities. They met in a center and would receive physical therapy, but while they were waiting, we would play and do stimulating activities. The family that I worked closely with from Ukraine made a lasting impact on me. Sasha, from the moment I stepped through the gate, immediately became my new best friend. Slava closely followed behind that. The men from Ukraine don’t hesitate to love you.

Kostya made a lasting impact on me as well. I didn’t connect well with Kostya immediately because his parents often isolated him. However, with time, I saw Kostya more and interacted with him at the camp where I volunteered for the last week of the internship. While there was so much that we did in Romania, one of the biggest things that impacted me was Physical Therapy for the kids.

Slava and Sasha wanted to color the tattoo on my forearm, so I gave them the go-ahead. They were nervous and uncertain, but their dad told them I was okay. They spent a decent amount of time coloring the flowers and switching colors. While this meant so much to me, I could vividly see God’s call on my life in a few moments. This was just as impactful for them. Sasha and Slava both have disabilities and for them to be able to step out of the normal and color on skin was vital. People who have disabilities spend so much of their time being told what they can and cannot do. Most people don’t mean anything wrong by it, but they don’t let them explore and find out what they want to do. They tell those with disabilities not to sit on the ground, to eat their food a certain way, and do many things. To be able to see how this small thing of coloring outside the lines of life brought them so much joy, that is something that will stay with me forever.

Also in Romania, I helped out in a camp by volunteering. The camp was designed to give parents of kids with disabilities a break. We, as volunteers, would take the job of main caretaker for the day and take the kids and young adults to group activities where they could socialize and hear the word of God. I was with Sasha for the camp, which was a little challenging at first because Sasha loves people and wants to see everyone and get a hug from them. So, over this week at camp, there was a lot of running around, including actual running. This camp was special to me because I saw how God has a place and purpose for everyone in his kingdom. I saw people with disabilities volunteering and helping out wherever they could. There is a place for everyone in God’s kingdom. The time I spent doing this internship was irreplaceable and changed how I view God. I loved every second of it, whether it was spent working with people with disabilities or doing the dishes. Sacele, Romania will always have a place in my heart.


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