Rest for the Restless Heart

Team Northern Ireland

Written by Olivia — Serving in Northern Ireland

The way that I have connected the most with God is through water. Sea, lakes, rivers, streams, rain, even water from the faucet. Water draws me in. There’s something about watching the waves of the ocean crashing against the shore and the rocks that makes me ponder the vastness of God. There’s something special about paddle boarding on a quiet lake, sitting in the silence, feeling the calm of the water, that causes me to embrace the overwhelming peace of the Lord. For as long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to the water no matter the circumstances, but especially whenever the day has been tough. 

During the beginning of my last week in Belfast, I was struggling with lots of emotions about leaving. After spending the majority of the day in tears (I am a major weeper), I had to pull myself together to attend a dinner with a friend later that evening. By the time the evening rolled around, my heart had started to settle after lots of time spent with the Lord and I was once again excited about going to dinner. The meal that we shared and the conversations we had were just what I needed after having a rough day. As I was leaving, the sun was setting. My friend and I both love sunsets, so she made the suggestion that we go to the sea to watch the remainder of the sunset. As we were driving, I kept thinking about how much this was something I needed. Perhaps unknown to her, God was using my friend to minister to my weary soul. 

Upon arriving, the trees opened up to reveal the gorgeous sky and sea. I was eager to get out there. We rushed down to the shore and just paused, soaking in the breath-taking view. For the first time that day, I felt as if I could truly take a breath. Looking out on the calm sea as it reflected the hues of blues, oranges, and pinks reminded me of how big, yet gentle God is. I was able to rest and simply delight in the beauty of His creation. The weariness and hurting in my soul slipped away when I reflected on my Father, my Creator, my Comforter. 

That night, I meditated on a liturgy from Every Moment Holy entitled, “A Liturgy for Arriving at the Ocean”. Here’s a section from it: 

In this blue space of sea and sand, 

of seething surf and soothing sound, 

center anew our restless hearts, O Lord,

that we might embrace 

the wonder of the created, 

that we might be contented in the finitude that 

moves us to rightful awe at your awesomeness, 

to rightful humility at your power, 

and to a rightful delight in your 

benevolent affections. 

May the stresses of 



and deadline 

here dissolve. 

May we find rest in the renewed certainty 

that we need not be 


or respected 

or popular 

or successful 

or somehow perfect, 

to be loved by you. 

There is no striving here at the end of our limits. 

Forgive our former strivings 

after our own righteousness, O Lord. 

In our smallness let us celebrate your greatness. 


As these words blessed me, it is my prayer that they bless you as well. May we all, in our smallness, celebrate the greatness of the God who loves us and is always with us.

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