In August 2013, Scott, Erin, and their 4 kids went on a mission trip with a team from their home church to the Village of Hope (akcli-voh.org) in Zambia. They'd been wondering what purposes God had for their life. The trip was worthwhile, but their question remained unanswered. Upon their return, a pastor at their church (Scott's dad), suggested attending the Urbana 2015 missions conference in St. Louis. Scott and Erin went, and it was at Urbana where they were introduced to New International and YouthHOPE. Over the next 6 months, God moved them step by step to recognize that He had been preparing them for partnership with YouthHOPE for many years. They have a passion for discipleship, and the passing on of the good news of Jesus to the next generations. Scott has had an accomplished career in the construction industry, and Erin has had an accomplished career in the "Mom" industry. They have served at the New International Center for Global Outreach (CGO), which is the YouthHOPE headquarters, since July 2017. Scott has a special focus on system/process development and also spends time with teaching/training global youth workers, curriculum development and strategic initiatives with the YH team. Erin continues to serve as God leads: in their family (kids from high school to college graduate), church, community, and at the CGO on the housing team.