A teenager that has started a small business in his rural, Kenyan community...
A child receiving new clothes for the first time...
A family developing a plan to buy, breed, and sell goats, creating sustainable income for their family...
A student going to school for the first time instead of working in the fields...
A single mother mentoring young mothers on budgeting and financial growth...
These are the outcomes that motivate Teresa to serve the Family Partners ministry at New International. Family Partners exists to proclaim Christ and make disciples by ending extreme poverty. Teresa uses the gifts and abilities God has given her to support the work through many different administrative tasks.
Since January 1, 2017, Family Partners through New International has directly impacted over 400 families and has indirectly influenced the economic and sustainable growth of dozens of communities throughout rural Kenya. Using the data-driven approach of monthly direct cash transfers, Direct Give, the standard of living for families in extreme poverty has dramatically shifted. Families in the program see their poverty rate decrease by 30% in the first five years. The goal is to see an end to extreme poverty worldwide by 2030.
Teresa lives in Louisville, KY, and has been with New International since 2023.