A teenager that has started a small business in his rural Kenyan community...
A child receiving new clothes for the first time...
A family developing a plan to buy, breed, and sell goats, creating sustainable income for their family...
A student going to school for the first time instead of working in the fields...
A single mother mentoring young mothers on budgeting and financial growth...
These are a few stories that inspire, excite, and motivate Stephanie as she prepares to serve Family Partners. Since 2017, Family Partners has helped hundreds of families take steps out of extreme poverty. Families in the program see their poverty rate decrease by 30% in the first five years.
Originally from Minnesota and based currently in SW Florida, Stephanie has been passionate about orphan care and poverty since experiencing it first-hand during trips to Africa and Haiti. As a Missions Storyteller with Family Partners of New International, Stephanie advocates for families through writing, photography and speaking on behalf of vulnerable children and families in Kenya.