Sponsor Sasha and Stas
20 sponsors each, $30 per month
this includes initial, upstart expenses to meet the needs of these young men
Stas and Sasha are the two young men in this room
Stas is the one guy that will be in Stephen's Home that did not grow up in the orphanage in Oleshky. We met him after a few guys were moved in initially, because he's a helper and does everything he can to assist. When we implimented a project there in the institution to improve their bathroom conditions, Stas was present every day over the three weeks it took to complete the project.
His sweet nature and desire to be loved spurred him on. As he grows in his understanding of who Christ is and asks questions, his own love for others is developing and growing. We pray that Stephen's Home and the readily available opportunity to attend church will simply drive him to seek further as he learns to trust the Creator.
Sasha is the one guy in the home who has a brother who also grew up at the orphanage in Oleshky. Though they are separated now, as his twin was able to attend school and went on to college in the region of Zhitomir. Sasha is very independent, even though he is wheelchair bound. It may take a very long time to complete a project, but he needs to be able to complete it on his own. Like many in the system, very early on, everything was done for the kids and they simply were refused the opportunity to do things for themselves. Sasha wants that back and we plan to give him many opportunities to delevlope those skills and desires to be who God made him to be.