Phil first went to Colombia, South America as a missionary in 1973 and while on furlough in 1978 married Kathy. They served in Colombia until 1982 and in Mexico City from 1984-2001. They returned to Indiana in 2001 and since then have ministered to Hispanics and other immigrants. They joined New International when the mission with which they had worked for many years decided to phase out its ministry among U.S. immigrants. Phil has a B.A in Missions and Bible from Cincinnati Christian University and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission. Kathy has a B.S. in Nursing from Indiana University.
Phil and Kathy partner with churches in the U.S. to assist them in reaching out to the cross-cultural mission field in their own backyard. Activities such as English language classes, assistance living in the U.S., activities for children, and help developing friendships, all of which lead to sharing the Gospel. Once the immigrants make the decision to follow Christ, they are integrated into a partner church to be discipled and trained to become strong members and leaders in their congregations both locally and globally.
With New International since 2010