Serving in:

  • Northern Ireland

Ministry focus:

  • Community Transformation
with image description Since 2025
Olivia Turner

Olivia grew up in a small town in Southwest Arkansas, with parents who were heavily involved in ministry in the local church. From a young age, Olivia had a deep compassion for people. This compassion grew into a deep desire for people to experience joy and healing which comes from a right relationship with Jesus. 

In 2020, Olivia started attending Ozark Christian College to pursue a degree in Biblical Justice. During her junior year, she went on a short-term trip with the college to Northern Ireland. Here she fell in love with the people and the culture of Northern Ireland. While she was there, she felt like God was calling her to go back, even though she had no idea how that was going to happen. Trusting that the Lord would make it happen when the time was right, Olivia was introduced to New International at the International Conference on Missions (ICOM). Olivia pursued an internship with New International’s Short-Term Mobilization Team where she worked alongside The Gathering church in Belfast, Northern Ireland. During her time with The Gathering, Olivia got to witness God move in extraordinary ways. 

Upon graduating in December 2024, Olivia has followed the prompting of God as He opens doors for her to continue serving in Belfast. She plans to partner with The Gathering to share the love of Christ to the community in the Titanic Parish by demonstrating an outward posture of faith and cultivating a place where people can feel safe and welcomed. Olivia’s heart is to show the love of God to those around her through practicing hospitality and glorifying Him in everything she does. Her desire is to see God transform the hearts of people across Northern Ireland. 

Contact Olivia Turner

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  • All transactions are processed within 5 business days.
  • All transactions will be in US Dollars.
  • All transactions are final and cannot be refunded.
  • We can only issue United States charitable receipts for donations.
  • Donations must be given on or before December 31st to be tax deductible within the tax year.