God called and Jody answered. She left a corporate job and sold her belongings in the United States to move from Wisconsin to Scotland. Jody joined New International after completing a missionary apprenticeship in Edinbiugh. She was called to Edinburgh to reach the unchurched with the hope and transforming power of Christ and serve in the deprived community of Oxgangs with the Oxgangs Community Church (OCC). OCC is a new expressions church plant that shares the gospel and love of Christ with a philosophy of Belong, Believe, Behave and a strong focus on outward missional life. Jody focuses on women's ministry by leading a small group bible study and one:one discipleship with both believers and nonbelievers. She is involved in the addictions recovery community in Edinburgh and mentors individuals seeking sobriety and a transformed life by sharing her own experience, strength and hope in Christ. Jody, also, serves in various capacities with OCC which include overseeing volunteers in their community center - the OCC Hub - by leading community meals, assisting with a toddler music class and co-leading courses such as Alpha and 3.2.1. She participates in a prayer group and children's ministry as well. Jody's heart and hands are open to whatever God calls her into to grow the Kingdom and spread the good news of Christ.
"God has given believers the responsibility of spreading the gospel in all the world and we need to use all at our disposal to accomplish this task." Theordore Epp, radio evangelist