Jeremy and Erin are proclaiming Christ to the wonderful people of Scotland.

Serving in:

  • UK

Ministry focus:

with image description Since 2023
Jeremy & Erin Ferguson

Jeremy felt called to do ministry in Scotland while finishing up his undergrad degree at Johnson University in 2009. For one reason or another, God has taken Jeremy to other places in ministry.  But the calling to Scotland never went away and God has opened the door for Jeremy and Erin to serve in Scotland.  

Prior to Scotland, Jeremy served as a youth minister at Avalon Church of Christ and then was a campus minister at Christian Student Fellowship at Old Domnion University. Jeremy is now working to use his experience in ministry to proclaim Christ and disciple people in Scotland.

Erin has worked in elementary schools in the US for 14 years.  She fell in love with Scotland through her relationship with Jeremy and their vacations to the country.  Public education is her ministry and she is excited to bring her expertise to the people of Scotland!

Contact Jeremy & Erin Ferguson

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STEP 1: GIFT INFOrmation

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STEP 2: YOUR INFOrmation

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  • All transactions are processed within 5 business days.
  • All transactions will be in US Dollars.
  • All transactions are final and cannot be refunded.
  • We can only issue United States charitable receipts for donations.
  • Donations must be given on or before December 31st to be tax deductible within the tax year.