Three years after James and Marta completed their education in the States, Dr. Bob Kuest wrote telling them he left pastoral ministry and joined New International. James felt that this mission was something different and decided to join. James is married to Marta, and they have four children: Mary Sanra, Me Lunzi, Melody Grace and Punshin Aung.
James pastors the Church at the Christian Center, which is the base for all of their Myanmar ministries. James is one of the founding members of Eastern Bible Institute where he teaches one subject every semester. He also serves as chairman of Myanmar Vision Ministries that plants churches in nine states and divisions across Myanmar. Due to the need to train local pastors and Bible school teachers at a graduate level, James and Marta coordinated the Eastern School of Graduate Studies (ESGS) where qualified visiting professors and locals teach together.
James and Marta have published five Christian books and have more on the way. Marta teaches women Bible seminars, creates flower arrangements, prepares lessons for women and children, and does the housework. Since 2004, they have started a three-month Bible School for those who want to minister but have no academic qualification or a college education.
With New International since 2002