Glen and Wendy Gibson serve with Open Door Libraries (ODL). Since October of 2017 Glen has served as the Executive Director and Wendy in missionary care and partnership development coaching. Glen and his wife Wendy bring with them 35 years of experience in missions, leadership, and equipping others.
Through his young adult years, God developed within Glen a passion for the lost and a love for other cultures that eventually led to him minister cross-culturally for most of his adult life. Glen was the youth minister at his home church in the Los Angeles area, before living and ministering for seventeen years as a missionary in the Philippines. After returning to the United States in 2003, Glen served as the VP of Training at Team Expansion and oversaw several teams of field missionaries. From 2008 to 2015 he was Chair of the Intercultural Studies Program at William Jessup University where he continued to live out his passion to inspire and equip others to give their life to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with the unreached people of the world. Glen holds a Masters in Missions from Hope International University, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. His Ph.D. research focused on Leadership Development, Church Effectiveness, and Urban Ministry.
Wendy grew up in the Philippines as a child of missionaries, Dennis and Lorrita McKinney. Wendy has 17 years experience as a Partnership Development (Support Raising) Coach having served in that role with several mission organizations. She has had a tremendous impact through coaching and mentoring missionary families all over the world. During the Gibson's time in California she was also a very active Mentor Mom in the MOPS program at their church. She is now engaged in coaching missionaries and others and caring for others in whatever way she is able.
Glen and Wendy have been happily married since 1986. They have three grown daughters, who were all born in the Philippines, three sons-in-law, and three granddaughters.