With 20 years of experience in cross-cultural ministry, Ben in his function as Regional Director helps NI’s workers in Europe thrive long-term. As a „pastor to pastors“ Ben provides strategic counsel, insightful mentorship, and deep sharing in the callings of the missionaries in his care.
As a spiritual formation coach, Jasmin supports individuals in Germany as well as among NI’s workers in their personal development to stay healthy and true to their calling.
Together, Ben and Jasmin create intentional environments for cross-cultural workers, leaders, and creatives: spiritual retreats, singer-songwriter showcases, leadership development cohorts, rest and reflexion online meets to spark new insight and inspiration. These initiatives extend Jasmin and Ben's pastoral care to other pastors, as they create opportunities for missionaries, leaders, and artists to come together in creative ways that foster innovation and resilience. From these initiatives the Seidls are generating resources such as podcasts, collections of songs, case studies etc. for the use of church and mission leaders in Europe and beyond.
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