What Will I Carry With Me?

Team Media

Written by David — Working in the Middle East and with the Media Team

What will I carry with me? Being back in America, I am now at a crossroads as to where God will take me throughout my journey. My experience in the Middle East has been very instructional, showing me the multi-faceted, diverse ways God can be working in a country or community without people even knowing it. As someone who wants to be a “secret” evangelist myself, it really solidified how I can continue about my road to be a writer/entertainer. The question is how? Truth be told, my future is a little uncertain right now. My current plan is to travel the entire Eastern seaboard with limited funds, gradually making my way back home to New Hampshire. Uncertain? Yes. Scary? No. God’s got me all the way, and I don’t doubt it for a second.

Another thing I’ve come to realize for myself is the difference between “loving on” and “loving” people. “Loving on” people is considering your conduct with people in a way that fulfills your joyful, Christ-like obligation. “Loving” people is considering it your genuine delight and pleasure to be around and engage people. One focuses on behavior, for Christ’s sake, the other focuses on genuine delight. I had the pleasure of seeing how people interacted in the Middle East. And I’ve seen firsthand how much more joyful it is to focus on others rather than oneself.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, God’s love is always present. During debrief, we got to color Mandelas. In my Mandela, there were many swirls, some of which connected to the word “Jehovah”. And I thought to myself how everything - whether it was a physical journey or a spiritual journey or an emotional journey - points back to Jesus.

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