Light, Mustard Seeds, and the Harvest

Planting cabbage and reminders of scripture in Kenya

Written by Mikaela G — Interning in Kenya

Before we left for the farm, I got the opportunity to speak at devo time for Africa Hope and I spoke on Jesus calming the storm. I talked about how it’s hard to remember to have faith when we go through hard times. I mentioned how we need to realize that He is with us during the hard times and that He is walking with us. Lasty, I said we need to not forget to have faith that He will be with us and we can get through anything with God by our side. 

We made it to the Farm on Wendesday, then on Thursday we learned how to plant cabbages. As we were planting them I was getting tired. Then later that day as I read my Bible I was reminded of the story in Mark 12, where Jesus tells His disciples that the widow who gave all she had was far better than what the other people who were rich were giving. 

It was a great reminder to me that even when I’m exhausted or feeling burnt out that I need to give it my all to reach people and show Jesus’s love to them and show them that no matter what they have done, God still loves them and wants a relationship with them. 

Then later that evening I was walking outside and I looked up at the sky and saw this gorgeous sunset. It reminded me of the verse in 1 John 1:5 where it says, “God is light.” 

Even though we go through tough times we can’t forget that God is our light in the midst of the trials and we can seek Him for strength.

The next day we got up and went out to plant and it reminded me of the parable of the mustard seed. Knowing that all the relationships we’ve made, we are able to impact them. Just like the mustard seed, we are able to plant seeds that will change peoples lives forever. That is something I pray all the people we’ve made relationships with would not forget that they are loved by God and that He wants a relationship with them. 

As we were planting and putting cabbages in the ground and digging, I thought of the verse where Jesus talks about workers for the harvest — Matthew 10:37-38. We all are called to reach the lost people of the world whether we go overseas or reach people where we live, we are called to reach everyone. Just like that verse, I want to reach as many people as I can and tell them about Jesus and what He did for all of us so that we can live with Him forever. 


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