Hello. I am a follower of Christ.

It has been pretty tough trying to adapt to a new culture and a new way of life, but I can honestly say that I'm starting to get used to it.

Today's story of a transformed life is by a Venture Summer Intern, Josh Carson.

Well, I've been living in Myanmar for about three weeks now. It has been pretty tough trying to adapt to a new culture and a new way of life, but I can honestly say that I'm starting to get used to it. The heat, spicy foods, obnoxious taxi drivers and cold water showers can get a little overwhelming at times. Only a few things in my 19 years have increased my prayer life more than crazy taxi drivers and cold-water showers. However, God has prompted me to look past those things and focus solely on the mission that I was called here to do. The joy of serving Him here has allowed me to overcome the challenges of ministering in a developing nation.

God's power and presence is unmistakable here. Even though 85% of the people in this country claim to be Buddhist, the Christians that are here are on fire for Jesus! This is a place where the youth are open minded and desire change.

One person in particular has shown me hope. At the end of a church service, I met a bright-faced man who introduced himself to me as: “Jonathan, a follower of Jesus Christ.” After my roommates and I had a cup of coffee with him, he continued the day with us as we went to lunch. At lunch, he must have said “by the grace of God” at least one hundred times and explained to us some of the challenges that come with being a Christ follower here. His mother and her family have turned their backs on him. He is more than aware of the cost in following God.
Yet, Jonathan remains faithful by keeping his eyes on heavenly things. His hope is that through continuous prayer that his family and nation will come to know the everlasting peace that has set free all those who believe in Christ.

Jonathan has been a huge inspiration to my roommates and myself and those who come in contact with him. His love for the Word is contagious. It makes it clear that God is really starting to have His way in Myanmar and I'm glad I answered His call, allowing me to be a part of it.

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