Experiencing God in Thailand

Team Thailand

Written by Regan, Ashlyn, & Hattie - Serving in Thailand

Regan: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time to read about all the amazing ways the Lord is working through my time here in Thailand. I am beyond blessed by all your support. 

Through this first week, I had the opportunity to meet the Prosperous Youth Foundation (PYF) staff members. During this time, I was able to hear a testimony from one of the interns. Hearing the ways God has so beautifully worked in her life was such an encouragement to my own heart, and it reminded me once again of the Lord’s faithfulness to us. Along with these wonderful interactions, we also began tutoring for the children of the long-term missionaries here. Being able to bless the missionaries in this way has been a true joy as I have watched these kids expand their learning abilities. 

During this first week, I have seen the Lord’s heart through the people here, the different culture, nature, and divine appointments in various interactions. God has been reminding me that He is in every detail of life, and it has been a beautiful experience so far. 

Ashlyn: The first week in Thailand has been an experience that I never want to forget! The presence of God has been so evident throughout this week, but there was one moment in particular this week that stood out to me. 

My team and I decided to travel to a waterfall where we got to experience hiking along with swimming in a waterfall. The moment we began to swim in the waterfall was the exact moment that I felt the overwhelming presence of the Lord. I was able to see the beauty of the things that He has created, and I knew in that moment that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. That I was created for this exact moment. I cannot wait to experience what the Lord has in store for me here, especially what He has in store for Thailand. I know it is far better than I can imagine. 

An encouraging Bible verse that helps remind me of the truth that I have been created for this exact moment comes from Esther 4:14. “Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created.”

Hattie: Hello! Week one in Thailand has been filled with adjustment, learning, and eating lots of khao soy! It’s amazing how many different emotions I have experienced this week as we have transitioned to being here. I find myself filled with gratitude often, as I look around at all the beautiful things and people that God has created. At the same time, it is difficult to witness things like watching individuals physically bow down to false gods as we saw in a temple this week. The tension is so real - feeling burdened for the lost, and, at the same time, rejoicing in all that God has done in the hearts of many Thai people. Hearing the voices of Thai people worshipping in church on Sunday has me feeling encouraged and expectant going into this new week! God is good all of the time! 


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