English Conversations Virtually

"When you see God at work, you can’t help but join Him!"

After cycling across Iowa in partnership with Graceland Ministries in Poland, the Ends Cycling team was eager to visit the ministry for themselves. When the trip was canceled due to COVID-19, they pressed on with a virtual project! Ends Cycling Director Justin Hanneken said, 

“Teaching English as a second language was largely unfamiliar to me until the Summer of 2019. As I learned about a ministry in Poland, called Graceland - it became abundantly clear to me how vital this type of service to youth can be as an outreach for the Gospel! Graceland Ministries is reaching youth & adults in the heart of Krakow, specifically people who never have the time or inclination to engage in a new Christian community.” 


Read more about the personal impact this virtual short-term project had on Ends Cycling members! 

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