As is common in most of the world, a significant portion of the Christian business community in Myanmar has a limited view of their role in
As is common in most of the world, a significant portion of the Christian business community in Myanmar has a limited view of their role in the church. Few business people see or act on their important discipleship and evangelist role beyond their responsibility to tithe on their income and attend church services on Sundays. Most think it is only the pastors who are able to do the work of sharing the Good News. Unfortunately, few business people feel qualified to do such an important task.
Our teammate Adam has said, “God intends for business to work side-by-side as a co-laborer with the Church, not only as a financial supporter of the Church's mission. The BAM (Business As Mission) movement is not a secondary strategy or simply a way for “worldly†business people to feel like they are contributing to God's work. No, Christian business people are on the front lines with unequaled access to those who do not know Christ.â€
We felt a pressing desire to mobilize Christian business people in Myanmar to achieve a broader understanding of, and to act on, their role in reaching this country with the Good News.
In response to this vision, we hosted the first International Christian Business Conference in Myanmar, inviting Christian investors and businesspeople from the rest of the world to join together with Christian businesspeople in Myanmar. More than fifty Myanmar and international attendees joined with us!
We discussed evangelism and discipleship in the workplace. We challenged each other to demonstrate Jesus' Lordship over our lives in a corrupt business climate. We sang, ate and prayed together. We talked about doing the best business we possibly could. We did it all because business is a good thing from God.
New International worked with the team at Kingery Design Co. and RIIPL to bring this brand, website, and app to life. It’s the collaborative effort of many people.
We hope you enjoy!