Beauty in the Hardship pt. 2

Team Thailand

Written by Hattie — Serving in Thailand

Words truly can’t quite express how special this summer was and how much it meant to me. I can’t help but feel so much gratitude for what the Lord allowed me to experience in Chiang Mai. I’m grateful for His provision in the big and small moments and all the ways that he revealed himself to me time and time again. 

Our last few weeks in Thailand were eventful, as there were several transitions that we navigated. Regan and I transitioned from living in a house with six girls to the two of us moving in with Al (one of the missionaries we were serving with). Although each “season” of the summer was so sweet, living with Al was one of the biggest blessings to us! We grew very close to our site leader, as she invested so well into us. I learned the importance of rest and boundaries and appreciated her wisdom and faithfulness to God that she lived out each day. 

Our responsibilities also shifted a bit as we took on teaching at a new safe home twice a week. The relationships that we were able to build with the girls here were so special. Although many of them have tough pasts, they showed up each class with smiles on their faces, ready to learn! It was sweet to be able to teach them the fruits of the Spirit through song and see them catch on during our last week with them! 

We also were able to plan one last respite event - the biggest one yet! There were around 100 kids at this youth home! We played lots of games, danced, created fun crafts, and praised God. We left tired, but with full hearts. I learned so much about the importance of a team through planning and executing an event this size. I was so thankful to be on a team with the PYF staff, as they were a huge help, encouragement, and support the entire time! 

I’m leaving Thailand with a deeper understanding of God’s heart for the nations and for people. I feel humbled and grateful to have had the opportunity to come alongside faithful people that are committed to making the name of Jesus known among youth in Chiang Mai. It is a beautiful, beautiful thing to witness. I’m overwhelmed with the love and hospitality that we received from our dear Thai friends while we were there. My perspective has shifted in the best way, and I can’t wait to see all that God continues to do through this special ministry. 

Thank you for all your prayers, support, and encouragement throughout our time here! It takes a village and meant the world to us! 

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