
Teacher of English in Central Asia to join a ministry team - for minimum of two years
A native English speaker with TESOL credentials, or a willingness to attain those through some short-term trainings, is a key to our sustainability because of pronunciation, market appeal (foreign teacher) and the fragrance of Christ that he / she will bring to the Teacher team and associated Administrators / Student Sales personnel. Target audience is primarily Central Asian agricultural university students, with some faculty or agricultural researchers in their midst.
Joins a team of 6 Central Asian English Teachers (5 female, 1 male) and an American couple with agricultural backgrounds and a love for rural people. The team is growing in the areas of online teaching, hybrid programs (online and classroom) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) including especially Agriculture, Agribusiness, Business, and Engineering.
This nation and most of Central Asia is agrarian, with ½ the population living in rural areas. Most of the agricultural university students will eventually return to their economically disadvantaged regions, marry and raise their families in perpetual, relative poverty … unless they meet Christ and have a purpose for living – which can include them becoming managers and entrepreneurs in their rural economy.
Native English speaker (preferred). Associate Arts university degree (minimum preferred though life experience can substitute). Funded by donors preferred though there are remote possibilities for supplemental income here in Central Asia though we will not reject a well financially established retiree who self-funds.
Passions / Character / Skills / Experience
Love for Christ and established devotional life (minimum)
Love for people and experience in personal or corporate outreach to the Lost (minimum)
Livelong learner and willingness to belong / work in small, almost invisible Christian community but also amongst the Lost.
Agricultural background is a super plus but not a requirement.
Experience teaching under some kind of mentorship is a plus.
Experience with youth or university clubs is a plus.
A growing awareness of your preferences and giftedness is a plus.
Willingness to learn a local language unless you are older than 55 then it's optional.
Application through New International (begin with the Apply link below) along with a written testimony (half page or more) about your faith journey in Christ and why this opportunity might appeal to you. An up-to-date resume or at least a Biographical Profile in enough depth to cover your entire vocational career to this point in time will also be required. These documents alert us to your interest and help us initially think from our side if we could imagine you being a part of our team at some point in time.
We seek English Teachers to join teammates in Central Asia who love Jesus and want to make an impact on the world where He is not known.
- Type of Service:
- Length of Service:
- Region: Central Asia
Cost & Dates
Dates: Ongoing
Cost: TBD
Once a person is seriously considering to join us, and based on their station in life and financial situation, we develop a detailed, target budget.
Funding: Combination donor funding, self-funding with a slight potential to earn additional funding in country.
recruit4centralasia@gmail.com is secure and will be responded to after an initial email without any attachments for questions or more informaton.
Click here to apply for English Teacher / Central Asia (By 2020-09-05)