The Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development (RICD) Wheelchair Project currently functions to distribute wheelchairs and other mobility aids to people all over Thailand and Southeast Asia. During the 20 years that the Wheelchair Project has been established, we have overseen the distribution of more than 30,000 assistive devices for people affected by disabilities. including 13,000 wheelchairs.
By combining people who have technical skills with medical or seating skills we utilize the skills of those who have the knowledge and those who have the ability to carry out fittings. We are working hard to establish training programs for other people to learn how to do this work independently.
In addition to these professionals, the local church is present at nearly every distribution that is held by the RICD Wheelchair Project, allowing the gospel to be shared by a Christian not only with a similar cultural background, but also local and available for follow up and pursue relationships with those wanting to know more. Many people with disabilities in Thailand face difficulties that run much deeper than simply lacking resources and opportunities due to the karmic mindset which teaches that their disability is a direct result of their own bad karma and wrongdoings.
This model of seeking to provide not only physical assistance in the form of mobility aids and assistive medical devices, but also attend to the deeper emotional and spiritual needs these people face has proved to make a substantial impact throughout Thailand – both within the church and the community as a whole.
Your donation will go to further these endeavors and will be directed towards the purchase of goods and services to support the work of the Wheelchair Project. Allowing us to purchase such things as tools and materials needed that are needed for fittings, Bibles and other resources that share the hope and love available in Christ, replacement parts needed to refurbish chairs for distribution, and fund ongoing projects to design low-cost alternatives to costly products, parts, accessories, or repairs to be made available freely to both recipients and service centers.
Your partnership is greatly appreciated and together we aim to see every individual with a disability receive the equipment that not only is essential to personal independence and fulfillment but is a basic, fundamental right of theirs.