SON SAFARIS - Ministry through conservation
Son Safaris is a Christ-centered ministry devoted to fulfilling God’s first command: to tend and protect His creation (Gen 2:15). We partner with wildlife reserves to support land and wildlife conservation projects, which steward God’s creation and opens doors to meaningful relationships with reserve staff and surrounding villages.
Through our efforts to restore, protect, and rehabilitate what remains of God’s creation, every team member has the opportunity to encounter and celebrate the Lord in a profound way. They will be Immersed, inspired and rejuvinated by His handiwork though the beauty and wonder of His creation.
Meet Delainey & Tabitha
Ever since I was little when Son Safaris came to my church I have wanted to go and serve God but also experience the wildlife and my love for animals. - Delainey
I would love to share this experience with my daughter. I have always stated that if I could do anything it would be to explore God’s creation (this world) on mission trips with my family. He gave us the hearts to serve and love humans and animals. On this trip we would get to do both. - Tabitha