You will be

I invite you to join with many of us at NMSI as we begin a focused time of reading scripture leading up to Easter this year.

Jesus called us to “go and make disciples." To make disciples, I must be a disciple. I must be a student of the teacher. This 'knowing' the teacher is much more than knowledge, it is internalizing the behaviors and thinking, seeing the patterns, learning from the simplest of words or actions, being changed through these experiences. Who I am becoming from my time with Jesus is not who I was before.

From the very beginning God spoke to His creation. He spoke it into being, and He continued to speak. Jeremiah wrote in the judgment of the Israelites and because of the anger of the Lord for their sin, He finally cast them out from His presence (Jeremiah 52:3). Silence; years of silence; no words, no message from the One who had communicated throughout the generations. And then, God spoke to us by His Son (Hebrews 1:1-4). It is not Jesus' appearance that draws us to him; it is the spoken words of God that pierce our hearts and draw us closer.

It is out of our desire to be a disciple and to make disciples that we long to sit at his feet and listen to His words, His stories and allow them to pierce our hearts. It is the longing and pursuit of God, for the fruit of the Spirit to grow in us and to change us. HIs presence calls us deeper.

I invite you to join with many of us at NMSI as we begin a focused time of reading scripture leading up to Easter this year. For 40 days, beginning Wednesday February 18th, we will focus on the words of Jesus, calling us to be disciples, to be His witness to the world, and a light in our own communities.

We are looking forward with anticipation to what God will be speaking to us individually and as a mission through His word. Download a copy of the daily reading “You Will Be" and join us in this journey.

Download PDF of the "You will be" reading plan

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