Sharing the Good News

About 30 of us had gathered in a big city on the next island. In our training that week, we reviewed a condensed version of the Gospel story

This week's story of Transformation is brought to you by a family that serves in Southeast Asia. Their names are withheld for security reasons.

About 30 of us had gathered in a big city on the next island. In our training that week, we reviewed a condensed version of the Gospel story. The introduction began with asking about forgiveness of sins, dealt with the common "all religions are the same" comment, then asking if they wanted to hear why we were confident our sins were forgiven.

After some orientation and basic training and much prayer, we were sent out two by two to share the Good News with the majority religion here.

I was paired with a younger man from our country of service. We were dropped off at a local recreation area in town. Women were selling grilled corn at the roadside, with other vendors selling rice, grilled chicken, and other local favorites. Many were playing street soccer.

We started up a conversation with one man who sat nearby. Soon several of his friends showed up and we ended up with a group of five guys that knew each other. We transitioned our small talk into the Gospel presentation. As we shared, they sat riveted to the Gospel story. We were able to share it twice with them and they stayed with us the whole time.

It was evident that this was new information for them and was a lot to consider. We could see that a couple guys were excited with the conversation but the rest were more reserved. All in all, it was fantastic to get the Good News out and their response was favorable. We got their phone numbers and said we had some friends that could talk with them more. They were agreeable with that.
That night, as 15 teams of two went out, we had a total of 24 people hearing Gospel presentations, 18 of these were favorably received and four said they believed it!

It's exciting to be a part of the work God is doing!

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