Daily Opportunities

Ministry happens anywhere and everywhere.

For the past three weeks, I have had the opportunity of teaching English at two different schools in Kakata, Liberia. Everyday, I am met with eager students excited to hear what the American has to say. I’m excited to go to school everyday and teach students that are so curious and ready to learn. At the beginning of my time in Liberia, I was so worried about all of the logistics that go with teaching, especially in a different culture with different curriculum and different educational norms. What lesson am I going to teach next? How long is the class going to be? What if the students can’t understand me? All of these are valid concerns, but all of the worry tends to distract from what’s important. Thankfully, the Lord has been showing me how to slow down, breathe, and be intentional with my students. As I take teaching day by day, God has been placing opportunities in front of me to share His love and speak truth. I am grateful to God for the times He has given me to remind my students that they are smart and beautiful. They are fearfully and wonderfully made. God loves them so much that He sent His son to die for them.

All of this has reminded me of one thing: ministry happens anywhere and everywhere. Making disciples is a task that has been gifted to all believers, and we have the privilege and authority to tell people everywhere what God has done for them. I think it takes boldness and courage to really listen to the Holy Spirit. It’s easy to drown out His voice with worry and busyness. It’s easy to forget what our purpose is on earth: to know Christ and to make Him known. I thank God for teaching me about what it looks like to listen to His voice and let Him work through me in every area of my life.

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