The Kisuya Family The Kisuya Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 5 Partner(s)
The Mpoke Family The Mpoke Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 5 Partner(s)
The Nkurruna family The Nkurruna family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 5 Partner(s)
The Olooldurot Family The Olooldurot Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 6 Partner(s)
The Shukurr Family The Shukurr Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 3 Partner(s)
The Mpoke Family The Mpoke Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 6 Partner(s)
The Moipei Family The Moipei Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Koikai Family The Koikai Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 5 Partner(s)
The Peliai Family The Peliai Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Tangile Family The Tangile Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 3 Partner(s)
The Moipei Family The Moipei Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Kimojino Family The Kimojino Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Mpoke Family The Mpoke Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Lenkume Family The Lenkume Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 5 Partner(s)
The Naigisa Family The Naigisa Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Koonyo Family The Koonyo Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)
The Kijape Family The Kijape Family is a family of 6+ that is still in need of 4 Partner(s)