It may not surprise you that combined ministry and missions experience of just a few New International affiliates amounts to over 100 years. We want to make our experienced and seasoned staff and missionaries available to you and your church, missions teams, leaders, and international partners, as well as local professional and ministry groups.
Whether small group, motivational talk, 1-day seminar, or weekend group event, New International desires to serve and challenge the Christian community as we serve together to accomplish the Great Commission.
Let's ignite the passion for missions and advance the Kingdom globally, together.

CV Elliott
In 1979 CV Elliott experienced God’s call to missionary ministry with an agency today known as GO International. By 1985 the Elliott’s had relocated to Wilmore, Kentucky, where CV enrolled at Asbury Theological Seminary and continued to work with the mission part time.
The leader of the mission died in 1986. The ensuing changes forced CV to drop out of seminary in order to take the position of Vice President. In that capacity he was leading short term mission teams into majority world countries, and challenging churches in the U.S. to share God’s heart for the world.
Always focused on meeting the expressed needs from majority world church leaders, CV began a teaching ministry in 1987 that continues to this day. His focus has been on grass roots level leadership which often have had little formal education. C V and Judy currently make their home in Cape Coral, Florida.
Speaking and Teaching Topics:
- Trends in Missions
- Theology of Missions
- 7 Streams of Grace
- Character of the Leader
- History of Missions
- Strategic Missions Planning in the Local Church
- Character Studies of Biblical leaders
- Inductive Bible Study Method
- University of the Holy Spirit

Bob and Peggy Kuest
Bob had served thirty-four years as a pastor. He earned his D.Min degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1994 and began teaching courses as an adjunct professor of Bible at Hope International University (HIU) in Fullerton, CA. For five years he wore the pastor's hat and the professor's.
Bob and Peggy joined with NMSI IN 1999 to become Traveling Teachers, providing educational experiences in 30 different countries through Bible college classes and seminars. Bob has continued his teaching relationship with HIU participating in their online education. Before affiliating with NMSI, Peggy earned a BA in Child Growth and Development at HIU and served eighteen years as a preschool teacher and director.
Books written by Bob Kuest:
Uncommon Leadership: Servant Leadership in a Power-Based World
Uncommon Relationships: Bringing Healing and Joy to Our Christian Experience
Uncommon Beginnings: A Leadership Strategy for Beginning a New Ministry
Teaching Leadership: Thirteen Ready-To-Teach Lessons
Learning Leadership: A Student Workbook to Teaching Leadership
Topics taught by Bob:
- Servant Leadership Theory
- Strategic Leadership
- Building Effective Teams
- Group and Organizational Behavior
- Strategy for Service
- Preaching
- Conflict Transformation
- Introduction to Biblical Literature
- Life of Christ
- Theology of Ministry
- Theology of Missions
Topics taught by Peggy:
- Heart of the Teacher
- Child Growth and Development
- Teaching New Believers
- Christian Parenting
Topics taught together:
- Marriage and Family

Jayson Simpson
Jayson Simonson is obsessed with Jesus and His mission on this earth. He is married to his wife, Annette, and they are expecting their first child in December, 2015. Jayson serves as the Global Poverty Initiatives Manager at New Mission Systems International.
Since 2006, Jayson has traveled the United States as a worship leader, passionate speaker, and advocate of community development, poverty alleviation, justice initiatives, child sponsorship, and orphan care. He has also been the worship and assistant pastor for several large, multi-campus churches in the last 8 years.
Jayson has led and directed multiple internship programs, community service projects, and worship teams for various experiences and congregations. He has also raised $300,000 for the alleviation of poverty in his time as a touring worship leader.
Speaking and Teaching Topics:
- Orphan & Vulnerable Children Care
- Child Sponsorship
- Social Justice
- The Missional Church
- Worship Leading
- Being Men of God
- Leadership Development

Marketplace Ministries
NMSI's Expert in Marketplace Ministry (name withheld for security) has developed viable small businesses in the Greater Middle-east which provide greater sustainability for the persecuted church. NMSI’s Marketplace Ministries expert currently directs business initiatives among Muslims in North America providing relevant Gospel witness to otherwise "unreached peoples" living among us.
"Loving Mondays" and "Take this job and live it!" are group or event challenges for Christian professional groups seeking to leverage their skills and networks for Kingdom Advancement via NMSI.
A Marketplace Ministry half-day seminar will engage the church to mobilize their greatest resource -the human resource!
A Business As Mission weekend at your church will lay the Biblical Foundation for Business as Mission, identify BAM resources and service opportunities globally, and inspire your congregation to become more intentional in the Marketplace.
Speaking and Teaching Topics:
- Why Paul made tents (a 9:00 to 5:00 strategy)
- Biblical foundations for Business As Mission
- Jesus in the marketplace
- Best Practices in Business As Mission
- Bi-vocational or one calling?
- Keys to effective Marketplace Ministry: key kingdom principles
- Models of Marketplace Ministry and the relevancy of the Gospel in the marketplace
- What is God calling you to do in the Marketplace?
Seminars can be tailored to your group! "The biggest untapped resource in the church is the human resource" "The Gospel message is most convincing and most clearly understood not on Sunday morning, but rather on Monday to Friday and most Saturdays from 9:00 to 5:00!" Join a vibrant kingdom movement in the marketplace!